We’re currently offering 20% OFF all services for the following members of our community ~
For the Professional Artist, Actor, Dancer, Musician, Playwright, or Technician.
You’ve been waiting for your big break. Well, here it is!
Bring in a business card or link to your online portfolio.
Full Time Students
Buy yourself something pretty, like a textbook.
Please bring in valid student ID for proof of nerdiness.
Healers Network
Thank you for dedicating your life to the healing arts. Here’s our gift to you each and every time.
Ideal for Herbalists, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Naturopaths, Estheticians, Nurses and EMTs.
Heroine’s and Hero’s Deal
SF Firefighters, Social Workers, SF Police Officers, Active Military and Veterans
Saving lives? Don’t forget about your body. We’ll take good care of you.
What goes around comes around.
Bike for Freedom
Bike Coalition Members
How’d you get those fabulous legs? Thank you for being gentle on our round earth by being 2 wheeled.
Bring in your current membership card.
Teacher’s Raise
Bay Area Public School Teachers
So little Tommy threw a spit ball and you’re still up grading papers? Take a break.
We know exactly what to do to return you to your senses.
Discounts are Mon-Fri only and non transferable
Current identification or link to bio / website required to be eligible for discounts.
Use code community at checkout.