The Earthbody Blog​

A curated guide to holistic wellness

Welcome to my journal. Each week I share a story that turns my mind with the insights, goof-ups, and lessons I discovered in the exchange. I also believe that the good life takes practice. Here’s where I’ll share resources in meditation, self care, daily ritual, wholesome nutrition, and the best in body~mind wellness. Thanks for reading and welcome to the family.

Denmo Ibrahim
Founder & CEO Earthbody

Breath Work + Herbs: Resources for Self Care

There’s a Buddhist Slogan that says, if you can practice while distracted, you are well trained. It points to why we do the yoga or the breath work or the meditation. So that in times of despair we can return

Community Deals

We’re currently offering 20% OFF all services for the following members of our community. Discounts are Mon-Fri

When We Meet The Breaking Point

When We Meet The Breaking Point

I joined a co-working space recently to help change up my routine. I was curious about the folks I shared space with. What consumed their time on laptops and in meetings? There’s the creative director for a startup, the marketing

Big Love: The Resilience of the Heart

I remember my first real heartbreak (I say real because earlier heartbreaks were the result of a kind of adolescent fantasy, intricate relationships I had conjured with people I didn’t know that played a part in our ‘life’ together without

Covid-19 Safety

Alongside our commitment to holistic healing, we will continue to keep your health and well-being at the forefront as we navigate Earthbody Treatments in the time of Covid-19.

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